Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Up and Down We Go

I am having a very schizophrenic Lent this year. I am literally all over the page and very unfocused. One day I'm fasting and the next I'm feasting (translate: gorging). Things have always been this way to an extent with me. My birthday falls during Lent each year and there are always multiple celebrations around my birthday since I share that day with my Mom.

Lent - the period of fasting and reflection that the church observes each year - is a time when we typically forgo celebration and levity to go deeper with our Lord. And yet - this weekend, for instance, saw us sharing time with our daughter in which we try to cook all her favorite dishes, and a huge birthday celebration with ice cream and cake and tons of other delights which all felt very "unlentful" (to make up a word).

The good side of my erratic behavior this Lent is that I've learned anew the lesson that I have hungers and appetites that earthly things can never meet. If I ever want to be truly satisfied, I've got to look to Jesus and to the life He embodies and offers to us all.

I suspect at one time or other we've all stood at the pantry or refrigerator door peering in looking for that "something" we believe will satisfy the gnawing hunger we are experiencing. I'm not a psychologist so I won't go too deeply into emotional eating - but as stated above, I am keenly aware this Lent that whatever it is I'm searching for won't be found in a bottle, can or package of food. I won't find it in a human relationship or in an asset I might acquire. I won't find it in my job, or my children or my bank account.

What I'm hungry for this Lent can only be found in a deep abiding relationship with the One who knows me best. I'll find my rest, my peace, and my purpose in Christ alone. He knows my needs better than even I do. And so I invite you to join me as I put my knife and fork down along with everything else I've been using to prop up my life and give it meaning and I open my hands and my heart and bow my head in prayer to God. The Lord Jesus wants to meet a much deeper need in your life than your physical needs; as important as they are. God has bigger plans for you and me than simply filling our bellies or bolstering our bank accounts. He wants us to find our complete satisfaction in Him and in Him alone because He knows that's the only place we'll find it. Won't you join me?

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