Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Simpler, Kinder Times

The last few days have me yearning for simpler, kinder times. Times like the one in the picture above, when a cane fishing pole was all a guy needed for a great afternoon's entertainment. Times when you weren't worried about your stock portfolio, or whether the bank is going to foreclose, or what you'll do if you lose your job, or if the X-rays or CT scan come back positive.

No, your biggest concern back then was whether you might miss your bobber going under while your dad takes your picture, or what mom was cooking for supper that night, or what might be on the Walt Disney Show come Sunday evening - whether it would be a "good" show (cartoons) or one of those boring nature shows when the camera follows some animal like a muskrat around while a narrator makes believe you are actually hearing the thoughts and feeling the emotions of that critter.

I know a lot of people who are hurting these days. I'll bet you do too. Maybe you are navigating some rough waters yourself right now. You're feeling blue, or lost, or at the end of your rope. If so - hang in there. Tomorrow is coming and with it hope, and mercy and grace from above. If I didn't believe that was true I don't know what I'd do - but I do, and so let me suggest that you should too. In fact, if you're reading this, know you've been prayed for today. I did just now. Thank-you Lord Jesus. Bless us one and all, Amen.

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