Thursday, September 22, 2011

Vocational Adjustment Syndrome

As some of you know I started a new job about two weeks ago. Starting a new job is something people do every day, but it's been a while for me - and it's been quite an adjustment. Fact is, I'm pretty sure I have an acute case of VAS, Vocational Adjustment Syndrome. I'm not sure what part has been the most difficult.

There's the fact that I went from the church back into the business world, and the fact that I'm going against the tide of most folks my age. Many people get to the "second half" of their lives and feel it is time to switch from the hamster cage "race for success" and turn to the "significance" side, going to work for charities and non-profits in their sunset years. I did the reverse. I got off the wheel in my early thirties, prime earning years when most people my age were just gearing up and moving into the corner office. Now I'm climbing back on the wheel, while many of my peers are considering getting off.

There's also the fact that I went from having 100% of my time be my own, to now putting in 40 hours a week at the office. Granted, a 40 hour workweek is better than the "always on call" life of a pastor, but it's also quite a jolt from my last 18 months of Saturdays.

Then there is the adjustment of going from being the leader of the organization I was a part of, to being low man on the totem pole. I am not complaining about this part though; I was more than ready for a work situation where I have my piece of the puzzle that is my responsibility, leaving someone else in charge of making sure all the pieces fit together (or that the pieces are even in the box to begin with!).

And then there is the steep learning curve of jumping into an industry I know very little about (industrial construction). Add to that the petty annoyances everyone experiences in a new job like how to operate the copy machine and phone system, navigate new software, etc... and you've got a whole lot of adjustments to be absorbed into the old gray matter. And speaking of gray...well...I won't even mention that I'm not the youngster I was when I started my first "real" job right out of college back before they had electricity.

So...that's a heaping helping of change and adjusting. But it's coming - and God knows I'm grateful for the opportunity to make these adjustments.

Honestly, my biggest concern right now is making sure I'm being helpful and productive to my new employer and those on the team I work with. I've certainly been busy, but being busy and being productive are not always synonymous.

So here's to the working class! Thanks be to God I'm again out there among you! And for those of you who may be still looking for work, hang in there. It's coming...

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