Friday, February 19, 2010

Lent 2010

Lent is the 40 day season of fasting and penitence many Christians observe in preparation for Easter. The season is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, but the observance comes from the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness after his baptism. The sacrifices made during Lent are done to honor God and to remind us of the difficulties Jesus faced as he was tempted in the wilderness.

Every year, for as long as I can remember, I have tried to “give up” some things as well as “take up” others for Lent. Usually my intentions are much better than my results during the season; not unlike my experience with New Years’ resolutions and the like.

Many people give up things like sweets, junk food, caffeine, television, Facebook, needless spending, complaining, etc… Here is an interesting list of the top things people gave up for Lent last year from a Twitter poll that garnered 15,000 responses.

On Wednesday, the official beginning of Lent I sat down and chose fourteen things to either abstain from or to add this Lent. I don’t know why I chose so many items; I just prayed and then let my pen guide itself in my journal. Perhaps I chose that many thinking surely I could make it all forty days with at least one of them. As it turns out I’m doing pretty well at 13 of them so far. There is one, however, that I have only kept 1 of the 3 days of Lent so far. But think of it this way, if you could bat .333 in the majors, you’d be a star! Seriously, I know I have some work to do. Some hard work.

Like other things in life, I’m thinking “baby steps” and “progress over perfection” with this item, and praying for (and, thankfully, receiving) plenty of grace. I will blog closer to Easter to update my progress. Meanwhile, why not consider a Lenten fast yourself? It’s not too late to start.

1 comment:

  1. I am curious to hear about what some of the 13 are - any that you feel like sharing.
