Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mule Rides

On the weekends I am going to be posting a photo each day with a brief summary of what was happening at that particular time.

This week's photo comes from 1963 when I was seven years old and lived in Jackson, MS. The photo shows (L-R) my cousin Wayne Speights, my sister Patricia and me atop Mike the mule at my grandfather's house (on my father's side). In those days westerns like Gunsmoke, Bonanza and The Virginian ruled the airwaves. I liked nothing more back then but to to go to the farm to hunt, fish, and play cowboy. "Papa's house" was the kind pf place where a boy could do that to his heart's content.

These really were simpler, kinder times - I know that sounds mushy and nostalgic, but it is true.Thomas Wolfe once famously commented that you can never go home again. I get what he means by that, but when I look at photos like today's, I honestly feel like I can go back - at least in my mind. And you know what? It's a wonderful place to visit from time to time.                                                                                                                                                          

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