Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fond Farewell

The team from Fayetteville, NC left this morning. I got up and had breakfast with them because I've made some good friends. Bob Parker drove them over to the Tamale airport at 6am for their flight to Accra. I was in my room having my quiet time at 8am and I heard the drone of their airplane. I went outside and looked up to see their flight go directly overhead, headed towards the southeast.

As I watched the plane disappear in the distance I must admit I felt a little homesick; it was actually one of the few times I've felt that way. I've noticed that whenever a team arrives I get all excited about what they are going to do; and about what I'm doing over here. Then, over time, I settle back into my routine and things become "business as usual." Then, as teams prepare to return to the states I start wishing I was going home too. I suppose that's natural. Today I will be jumping right back into action helping with a Mega-Voice training event later this morning, and tomorrow I am preaching at B Dakpemyili. So it isn't like I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs feeling lonely or forgotten.

What's really going on, I believe, is a spiritual maturity issue where I am learning to find my joy and fulfillment in Christ alone. I was journaling this morning and realized that it really shouldn't matter where you are; whether you are at home, or thousands of miles away, or on the moon. It shouldn't matter if you have a lot to do, or if you are unoccupied. Christ is always with us and He wants us to turn to Him for everything. I think that's what David meant when he wrote, "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken" (Psalm 62:1-2). The little Hebrew word for "alone" or "only" appears six times in Psalm 62. I also think David was referring to what I'm talking about when he wrote "I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken" (Psalm 16:8). It takes a conscious effort to "set the Lord always before [yourself]."

Today, let's remember that the Lord is all we need. Wherever we go and whatever our situation, He is the answer to the question. Father, help this truth to go deep in my spirit today, and in the spirit of my readers I pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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