Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I'm so glad Thanksgiving is here. I've been looking forward to this for a long time; I suppose because I knew when the big day arrived I'd be HOME! After all, Thanksgiving is all about home, isn't it?

I woke up this morning thinking about all the different things people would be doing today. There are so many great traditions. I have friends who run the half-marathon every year. Others enjoy the tradition of an early morning hunt before the big meal. Some folks decorate their Christmas tree. Others go to a movie Thanksgiving afternoon. Still others go from one set of in-laws to the other, eating big meals at both.

As I've thought about this afternoon (we're having thirteen family members to our house), I am anticipating some of the conversations that will be held. Things like…

"What time does the football game begin?" "Who is playing today?" "Wouldn't grandma have loved this dish?" "I am so glad you made your casserole!" "How was Africa?" "You sure have lost a lot of weight!" "I can't believe I ate so much." "My eyes were bigger than my stomach." "Where are we going to have Christmas this year?" "I'm ready for a nap now…." "You know why don't you? It's that chemical in the turkey…" etc…

I will love every bit of the day, and every bit of the food, and every hug and every smile. I hope you do too.

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!

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