Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Prayer and Fasting

Dear Readers,

Next Friday my 81 days in Ghana will come to an end. During these three months I have enjoyed partnering with others to help train an upcoming generation of Ghanaian pastors. God has also been doing things in my own life while I’ve been here, dealing with me concerning some things I need to learn and some things I need to change. I don’t believe God is done teaching me, in fact that will go on for the rest of my life, as I’m certain it will in yours. And yet I do sense in my spirit there are still some specific things the Lord wants to impress on me before I return home and “normalcy.”

With this in mind I have decided to fast and pray next Wednesday, Nov. 17 to seek discernment. I am hoping some of you will join me. I will be doing a 24 hour fast, spending my normal meal times in prayer. I will drink liquids because over here dehydration can be an issue. I certainly don’t expect anyone but me to do the complete fast all day, but I am in hopes that some of you will skip a meal and take time to pray. I have a few specific prayer points listed below you can join me in praying if you are willing. Of course, some of you know blind spots I have where you can probably pray for me better than even I can for myself. At any rate, here are the items I will be praying about:

 - That the students I have taught here will be strengthened to become strong pastors here in Ghana.
 - That the seminary I taught at will thrive and continue to produce good Ghanaian pastors.
 - For Seed Ministry where I have lived these three months. That God would bless the ministry and its leaders, Rev. Bob and Bonnie Parker, and that they would continue to bring light and hope to this area of Ghana.
 - For the pastors, churches, villages and individuals I have worked with during this trip, that God would bless them and that the seeds sown would grow and bear fruit.
 - For the fellow missionaries I have worked with on this trip and their endeavors all across the globe. That God would bless their efforts and bless the missionaries and their families for their personal sacrifices.
 - For God to reveal to me any disobedience, sin, or lack of faith I may have in Him. That He would reveal any areas of my life or ministry where I need to repent and begin following Christ’s teaching more closely.
 - For God to make it clear where He is guiding Donna and me in the future in terms of our ministry and calling.
 - For God to give me the wisdom, determination, courage and faith to pursue God’s highest and best for us, all for His glory and not our own.
 - For me personally to have a special sense of God’s presence as I return home. That I would purposefully, completely, and at all times rely on God’s strength and that I would trust His will and purpose and follow it wholeheartedly.
 - For a complete restoration of my health, especially against any lingering effects of malaria.
 - For traveling mercies as I return; especially favor with the airlines as many local flights have been cancelled or rescheduled. I will be traveling from 2:30am (Atlanta time) on Fri. Nov. 19 to 8:55am on Sat. Nov. 20.

Thank-you for your prayers, and for joining me to fast and pray if you are able. If you hear anything from the Lord during your prayer time and feel led to share that with me that would be greatly appreciated as well.

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