Saturday, November 13, 2010

Packing Lightly

Now that I’m down to less than a week to go in Africa, I’ve begun to do some preliminary packing for my return journey. Delta allowed two 50 pound suitcases to come over here, which I needed every ounce of since I brought a lot of extra items for Seed Ministry and for my students. I’m only bringing one suitcase and my backpack home but that should be plenty of room as I’ve given away much of what I brought. I plan to give away most of the rest of my stuff (clothes, etc…) before I leave. Everything you leave here, whether left with Seed Ministry, or else given to individuals, is greatly appreciated.

You learn on mission trips how little you really need to get by. Give me a few clean clothes, my Bible and a few books to read, and pen and paper so I can write, and I’m pretty satisfied. In a way I almost dread returning to the abundant possessions I have at home; I feel ashamed, especially knowing how little most of the rest of the world has in comparison to us in America. I really don’t need to bring anything home – I have more than enough.

I’m also going to try to NOT pack a bunch of “other stuff” I brought over here. I’m talking about attitudes, opinions and beliefs I know God is trying to break me of. In some ways I feel like a snake that has shed several layers of skin while I’ve been here. I have probably lost 15 pounds, mainly due to malaria, but I’m not talking as much about body weight as I am about mental/spiritual/emotional baggage I plan to leave behind. That is part of what my upcoming prayer and fasting time is about on Wednesday – that God will allow me to return lighter; free from some of the “inner gunk” that has been clogging my life.

I invite you to join me between now and Thanksgiving in taking an inventory of all the “stuff” in your life. You may want to simplify; to clean out a closet or two. You may also want to “detox” your system of a few things like anger or bitterness or disappointment you’ve been carrying around. As we enter the Christian Season of Advent, which is a time of waiting on God, it’s a great time to re-center and simplify. God bless you as you do.

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