Sunday, October 31, 2010


As mentioned in an earlier post. We’ve been without water for almost a week. The Seed Ministry compound is on the local equivalent of a “county water” system here in Tamale. The pipe runs to the compound where Bob has a filter on the water as it enters, so we can actually drink the water right out of the tap. Bob also has a very large (I’m guessing 500 gallon) tank on a pedestal that stays filled in case the water company stops pumping. That is what happened last Monday. We suddenly stopped getting water and so we were on our reserve tank all week until it ran dry yesterday. Bob called the water company was told the guy who works on our area of the system is out until Monday. So yesterday Bob had a tank of water delivered (see photo) which was pumped into the baptismal pool outside. We are now enjoying bucket baths and bucket flushes for the toilets. Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, ‘If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown; flush it down.” That’s where we are right now – all 20+ of us.

As if that weren’t enough, yesterday afternoon the power also went off, and it has been off since then. Bob also has a generator, but it will only run lights and a few fans, so for now we are without water or power for all intents and purposes. Of course I’m blaming the new team that just arrived. I told some of them at breakfast that I’ve been here two months without any problems, and as soon as they arrive, everything goes haywire. Of course, I was just kidding and they knew it.

Their counter to me was that the Devil must know great things are going to happen through the group that is here now, that’s why he’s attacking us. I don’t know about that, but I do know this has been a great reminder of just how good we have it in 21st century America with our running water, reliable power, and other resources. It makes me thankful. Perhaps we all need a reminder like this from time to time.

For now I see the wind rustling the leaves in the big tree outside my window so I think I’m going to go sit outside a while where it is cooler. It is currently 86 degrees and rising in my room.

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