Saturday, September 25, 2010

God’s Story

I spent my Saturday morning teaching Bible Club leaders a portion of "God's Story: From Creation to Eternity." I loved interacting with these dedicated leaders. Seed Ministry has 168 Bible Clubs for children and youth in the Northern Region. These Bible clubs meet once a week and the leaders teach the club members the Bible. The current curriculum being used is God's Story, a DVD about the Bible starring the voice of Dean Jones (of Disney fame). Seed Ministry has shown this movie in many villages, along with the more famous Jesus Film.

Recently Bob and Bonnie became aware of a technology that actually comes out of Israel called "Mega Voice." A Mega Voice player is about the size of a cell phone and each one has the complete soundtrack of the God Story both in English and in Dagbani (with other languages being recorded all the time). The Bible Club leaders use these players to learn the Bible better, plus they can play portions for their clubs in their native language. In a predominantly oral culture, Mega Voice players are fantastic evangelism tools.

This morning, in addition to teaching the Bible, we distributed these players to some of the Bible Club leaders and their helpers. Most of the leaders arrived today on their bicycles and the average distance they traveled one way was 20-25 miles. I learned at supper tonight that one leader rode his bike almost 60 miles just to receive his player and to be taught. Talk about commitment! These men and women are incredible and I was honored to serve them today.

By the way, the goal is to eventually have at least one Mega Voice player per Bible Club. So far Bob and Bonnie are about halfway there. The players (pictured above) cost $50 each, if you are interested in sponsoring a club, just shoot me an email and I'll get you in touch with Bob and Bonnie.

Tomorrow morning I am back at Faith Baptist. It is always a good sign when a church invites you to come back and preach again, so I am grateful. I figure they must be pretty desperate or else they are gluttons for punishment. :) I'd love your prayers for the service. Meanwhile, God bless you and yours as you go to your church to worship our amazing, wonderful, awesome God tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Love u and praying for u!! Encouraging and informative blog, thanks!!
