Well it is official. I am now a biker. I know many of you have always thought of me as the biker type, but it wasn't until this morning that I actually purchased my first motorcycle. Buying the bike was a real experience. Bob Parker, Emmanuel and I drove to 4 or 5 different places around Tamale that sell bikes. Unlike in the states, the salesmen here didn't really push us, or point out features, or anything. They simply stood by politely and answered whatever questions we had. When the actual decision was made to buy, there was only a little bargaining and just like that, it was done. Buying a pair of sunglasses on the streets of Tamale involves more drama, haggling, walking away, etc… than did buying this motorbike. Go figure!
The motorbike itself, for you aficionados, is a cherry red 150 cc Royal model TYGY150. It came with a red helmet that matches the bike, a rain slicker, and a polo shirt all emblazoned with the "Royal" logo (a crown). I am a dude! I have already taken several short rides on the bike today. Each time I ventured further and further out, moving from the unpaved road Seed Ministry is on, to a two-lane paved road, to an even busier two-lane road that locals actually turn into six lanes. Add in assorted goats, sheep, cows, vendors, bicyclists and small children all wandering around in the road and you get the picture of how scary my first cycling experience was in Tamale.
Believe me, the old foreigner with the white face, brand new red bike and helmet putting along at about 10 mph attracted plenty of attention! Hopefully by Tuesday my biking skills will have improved enough that I'll feel comfortable driving the five miles or so to the seminary without causing too much havoc on the streets of Tamale and without endangering too many people or animals.
It's funny, but what was going through my mind today as I drove around was that doing what I was doing is not something I ever imagined in a hundred years that I'd be doing when I accepted God's call to ministry and went to seminary twenty years ago. It's just not something they teach you in seminary. I guess it's like the old hymn says: "God moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform."
I can't wait to see it! Please have someone take some photos. Funny, when I was thinking about you getting one, I was picturing red.