Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Taking a cue from one of my favorite "spaghetti westerns," today (Tues.) was a day that I would characterize as "the good, the bad, and the ugly."

The good was definitely the weather. Today felt exactly like the first day of fall should feel. Cool, highs in the low 80's, sunny, and no rain for a change. Also on the good side, I got a few encouraging emails from supporters, and Royal didn't stall once as we charged through the slowly diminishing potholes along Sognayilli Road on the way to and from school.

The bad was my teaching experience today. I felt great about what I had prepared. I worked on it all day yesterday, prayed over it, memorized it, and even came up with a few catchy, Ghanaian-friendly illustrations for my points. But I knew I was in trouble the minute I entered the classroom. Every single student had his chin in his hand and several looked like they were already snoozing before the class even began. I deliberately started with great enthusiasm, hoping my energy would rub off, but to no avail. How bad was it? I actually had a student ask me a question in class, and then as I stood beside his desk answering him, he nodded off! What's more, this happened twice today. How in the world can someone ask a question, and then fall asleep with the teacher standing there talking to them? I was amazed. Rather than embarrass the student(s), I just keep answering, staring at their eyelids, hoping they would somehow rally and wake up, but neither did. It was so bad…

The ugly part of my day is my stomach. I had an episode a few days ago and took Cipro for two days which seemed to deal with whatever parasite is involved. But today things got real ugly; I'm talking things going north and south if you know what I mean. Whew, how draining! But not to worry; I started back on Cipro tonight and hopefully will get some quick relief again.

I suppose this is just another friendly reminder from the Lord that "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33). I've just got to cling to the rest of that verse tonight as I try to rebound, "…but take heart! I [Jesus] have overcome the world." Thanks be to God!

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