Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First Exam

I gave my first-ever exam today (Christian Ethics). It was an eerie feeling. After taking exams myself for 12 years in elementary, junior and senior high schools, 4 years of college, 3 years of seminary, and then 5 more years of seminary – for the first time ever I was on the "other side" during a test. I did the only thing I knew to do. I sat at my desk in the front of the room and appeared busy, glancing up every so often to try to catch cheaters; or at least to let everyone know I had my eye on them. It felt surreal to be up there! I have waited a long time for that! Ha ha – I had them sweating about the test too, which was fun. Remember all those niceties your teachers used to say as they were passing out an exam like, "Oh…you'll do fine… It's not a big part of your grade… I made the questions easy… This is going to hurt you more than me… etc…"? Well I used several of those today.

Seriously, I think my students did okay; I may need to curve the grades a little, but I think they'll come out alright. Any problems they had were more communication issues (language) than anything else. I give my second exam on Thursday (Christian Family) so we'll see how that one goes.

Other than that, it was another rainy day here. I got some lesson plans done for upcoming classes before watching an old Kirk Douglas movie tonight called "The Big Trees." Bob and Bonnie start south tomorrow for Accra, with a stopover in Kumasi for some business matters. A large mission team comes in this weekend, and another gentleman is coming in who does work with the Mega Voice device along with two pastors who will be helping him translate. We'll have 22 people staying here next week, plus Bob and Bonnie. To make room for all the people, on Friday I'm moving into a small room that was formerly a tool shed because I'm the only "single" that will be here. Thankfully Bob and Bonnie appear to think of me as family now so they don't mind putting me into the room that I have affectionately dubbed "solitary" (they read my blog by the way – love you guys!).

Random stuff, I know; sorry. At any rate, God is good and I'm feeling about 93% up to par now physically. Thanks for the prayers; have a blessed Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Great update! I am sure it did feel weird to be the test administrator, not the student.
    It will be fun having 22 people around!
